Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
We can deliver you a team of clinical, occupational health, and health and safety practitioners, plus a team of HR specialists. This enables us to provide a joined-up approach to employee well-being and health and safety at work.Our unique strength is our ability to understand the requirements of HR teams and management, to communicate effectively with you and support you in the process of managing absence and well-being at work.
Taking care of your employees’ health, safety and well-being at work can help reduce absence, improve productivity and increase staff retention. Our Occupational Health and Safety services include health and safety training and policies, workplace assessments, occupational health management referrals and onsite clinics.
We also offer health promotion and workshops in areas such as workshops in areas such as mental health (resilience/coping), team dynamics, stress awareness, holding return to work interviews and managing persistent short, and long-term, sickness and capability.
Health and Safety Consultancy Services
• Health Case Management• Health and Safety Policies
• Health and Safety Training
• Workplace Assessments
• Employee Wellbeing
• Medical Assessments and Screening
• Occupational Health Referrals
• Employee Counselling
• Employee Absence Management
• Risk Assessments
• Workplace and Dispute Resolution etc