Change Management


Change Management

If your organization is restructuring in order to reduce costs, or improve business delivery, our experienced HR team can help. From planning your restructure, to consultation and redundancies, we can project manage and lead on your business change activities, or support with one aspect of the change initiatives.

We can guide you through the change process, ensuring you comply with employment legislation, while alleviating concerns and avoiding any serious employee relations problems arising.

Crucially, our HR Consultants have significant experience in working closely with clients through the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) TUPE process, including carrying out due diligence exercises, leading on consultation and providing the necessary documentation and advice.

In addition, we can help you plan your employee communications throughout the change process, always remaining professional and sensitive to the impact on your staff.

Change Management Consultancy Services

• Business Restructuring & Redundancies
• Collective and Individual Consultation
• Outplacement Services
• Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and TUPE
• Executive Exits
• Organisational Design
• Business Change Solutions etc